Health Buffs Are Not Eating For 3 Days Straight…Why?!

“Wag kang magpalipas ng gutom, nak.”

It’s a common line from mothers reminding sons and daughters to eat on time. To be healthy, one must eat regular and balanced meals.

But what’s this thing happening among health buffs the world over where they do not eat anything for 72 hours or more?!

Where’s the sense in that? How is that supposed to be good for the body?

We’ve heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF), but this one’s IF on steroids.

What’s Going On Here?

This is commonly known as the 3-day water fast, where people take nothing but H₂O for 72 hours. Variations on the strict water intake allow liquids like coffee and tea, and some salts and supplements to make up for lost vitamins and minerals.

People go on 3-day fasts because of the perceived health benefits. (More on this later.)

How is this even possible?

So what happens to the body when it goes on a 3-day fast?

Well, the food that we eat is quickly turned into energy and used for everyday activities.

Ordinarily, the body burns glucose as fuel. But when the individual is on a fast, glucose is soon depleted and the body starts tapping into its stored fatty acids as a backup source.

It is switching its fuel from glucose to fat. When that happens, the individual is said to be in a state of ketosis.

In short, the body adapts to the situation and becomes more resilient. And, as it turns out, the coping mechanisms triggered by fasting have beneficial effects on the body as a whole and in the long term.

For example, fasting is known to increase the production of HGH or Human Growth Hormone which is known to enhance muscle repair and upregulate immunity.

Folks engage in fasting because of gains like this.

And don’t think that you’ll be feeling ravenous the whole time you’re fasting.

One experiences hunger pangs around the time when you skip your initial meals. This is because the “hunger hormone,” ghrelin, is signaling the brain that it’s time to eat.

But as you progress through the fast, ghrelin levels actually drop. In other words, you lose the desire to eat and do not experience those hunger pangs as much.   

What Are The Benefits Of Fasting?

#1 Weight Loss

Because you are working on a calorie deficit, losing weight is one of the most obvious effects of the fast. And depending on factors such as starting weight, people have been losing from 2 to 12 lbs.

But weight loss is just one piece of the puzzle and, as it turns out, a low-hanging fruit.

There are still more benefits for health and well-being.

#2 Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin helps the sugar in the blood get into the cells so that it can be used for energy.

But over time, and especially for people with diabetes, insulin becomes less and less effective in performing its job. So more and more insulin is needed to compensate for the reduced efficiency.

Fasting helps “reset” the body’s sensitivity to insulin so that it can regulate blood sugar levels more effectively. 

#3 Inflammation Reduction

Inflammation is part of the body’s natural response to injury or infection. Unfortunately, this immune function becomes dysregulated and causes harm instead of good.

For example, chronic inflammation can lead to health problems like heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders.

Fasting has been found to dampen the negative effects of inflammation in several ways. One is by dampening the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. By disrupting pro-inflammatory pathways, the negative effects are put in check.   

#4 Cellular Repair

When the body notices it is running out of stored fat for energy, it becomes more efficient. Fasting triggers something called “autophagy”—a response to the change in nutrient availability.

Cells begin recycling old and damaged cellular components. Autophagy functions as a cleanup service that ensures “junk” components are repurposed, resulting in cellular renewal and “rejuvenation.”   

#5 Improved Mental Clarity

You might think that fasting for 72 hours can make you hungry the whole time, and unable to think straight. On the contrary, individuals engaged in prolonged fasting often report experiencing mental clarity. That is, they can concentrate better.

This may be due to increased production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). This substance has anti-anxiety properties, can increase productivity, and can help with memory and retention.

#6 Enhanced Longevity

“When you’re not eating, you’re turning on the body’s defenses against aging.” That’s according to David Sinclair of the Harvard Medical School.

In animal studies, the subjects that are under caloric restriction generally live longer than others.  

When we put our bodies in a controlled level of stress, like fasting or exercise, it activates the body’s natural defenses. We become more resilient. Adding all the benefits mentioned earlier will result in a better shot at longevity.

(If we notice, the individuals who get to live long are really not big eaters—often consuming less than others.)

That said, we should not forget that a 3-day fast is not for everybody. While humans can live for several days without food, we should not take it lightly nor ignore the danger it may pose in specific cases.

What Are The Dangers Of Prolonged Fasting?

#1 Nutritional Deficiencies

The meals we eat contain an array of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Skipping on meals, especially for days will deprive one of the nutritional components and will impact different organ systems and metabolic processes.

That’s why supplements are recommended to individuals who are fasting. 

#2 Hypoglycemia

Fasting will naturally lead to significant drops in blood sugar levels, and those with diabetes are at risk.

Hypoglycemic symptoms include lightheadedness, sweating, shaking, numbness, weakness, and tingling. Severe episodes can even lead to seizures and loss of consciousness.  

#3 Compromised Immune Function

While fasting does have pros for the immune system, the body can only be resilient for so long. Extended fasting may weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

The 3-day fast is considered by many as a “sweet spot” where the body can maximize the benefits of fasting. Anything beyond requires serious consideration and should only be done with the guidance of the doctor.

#4 Potential for Rebound Overeating

Because of caloric deficits, fasting naturally leads to weight loss. But keeping the weight off is altogether a different proposition.

There’s always a tendency to regain the pounds shed, especially when people “revenge” eat after the fast.   

#5 Mental Health Effects

Fasting impacts hormone levels. This can inordinately impact the mental well-being of some. While irritability or mood swings are normal signs of being “hangry,” others can fall into depression and have difficulty bouncing back.


Because of these cited reasons (and more), fasting is not for everybody.

It is generally not recommended for:

  • Pregnant/Nursing Mothers—Doing so will deprive fetuses/infants of the essential nutrients needed for growth and development. The health of the mother herself will be impacted. 

  • Children and Adolescents—Growing bodies need all the nutrition they can get, and fasting might interfere with their normal physical development.

  •  Individuals with Medical Conditions—Individuals with diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and chronic conditions should avoid prolonged fasting. For one, they might have medications that need to be taken on a full stomach. Also, people with weakened or compromised immune systems are more susceptible to the stresses of fasting and should exercise all caution.  

  • Individuals with a History of Eating DisordersFasting can trigger unhealthy eating habits or exacerbate existing ones. Caloric deficits may also prove unsafe for those who already have very low body weights.


Fasting should be done with the guidance of your doctor who can assess individual risk factors and ensure that fasting is done safely and appropriately.

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