Effortless Wellness: How being healthy is actually very easy

There’s a pervasive myth perpetuated all over social media today. And it’s the idea that fitness and health need an iron will and a level of discipline only a marine can muster.

We see perfectly sculpted bodies all over TikTok and wonder what it must have taken to get there.

(Well, there’s genes and there’s gym. If 8-pack abs is your kind of healthy, then get to the gym, fast. But if you want to be really fit, healthy, and more importantly, happy…read on.)

The body is designed for health and it doesn’t take much to attain well-being. The problem is that we have forgotten to do some very simple and very basic things. What’s more, is that we’re doing the exact opposite of what needs to be done. It’s no wonder why our health suffers.

In this post, we look at some of the easiest and most effective (but the most important) things we can do to be fit, happy, and healthy.       

#1 Go to sleep

You’ve been told to move and live an active lifestyle—to forgo elevators and take the stairs instead.

But did you know how much of a game-changer a good night’s sleep is?

The body regenerates when we sleep. It boosts the immune system and keeps the body in check from infections and diseases. Sleep has unequaled restorative and healing powers.

And yet, how many of us regularly get a good night’s sleep? We push sleep to the side, prioritizing the job, or some deadline, or wanting to finish another episode of a Korean drama.

But sleep is a well-spring of youth, and eating healthy and exercising will never replace the role of sleep and rest in our well-being.


#2 Breathe properly

How hard is it to breathe?

It’s the most natural thing! 

And yet we do it improperly.

Proper breathing is deep breathing. It is taking in the air slowly, filling our lungs with air, and exhaling in a steady and relaxed manner.   

In our harried and hurried existence, we resort to shallow breathing—as if we’re being chased by the neighbor’s dog.

Deep breathing has a ton of benefits. This simple and easy adjustment can reduce stress, improve oxygenation of the blood, lower blood pressure, improve focus and concentration, and elevate mood.

It’s the most basic thing, but proper breathing can replace all the best supplements in the whole wide world.  

#3 Drink up!

Water is another thing a lot of people take for granted. But adequate hydration is synonymous with health.

Think about it, the human body is mostly made up of water. It goes without saying that water is an essential component for practically every little thing that the body does—from digestion to fighting off diseases, to the very act of breathing.

Yet so many people take hydration for granted, often neglecting to drink water for hours. And if they do, they drink caffeine or sugar-laden drinks that needlessly spike the body chemistry.

How easy is it to turn on the tap and drink pure, clean H₂O?

When talking about “effortless wellness,” this is one of those things that people can’t afford to miss. And yet how many are walking around slightly dehydrated?

Our bodies are making do with the little water we give it and it’s a little wonder why we’re so susceptible to infections and diseases.

It’s not a coincidence that the doctor almost always says, “Drink lots of fluids.”

#4 Eat the rainbow

More than holding back and depriving yourself of nutrients and calories, you should be eating a bunch of different things: meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

Do not approach eating from a negative place. But instead of eating too much of the same thing, try to eat a whole lot of different items so your body gets a broad range of nutrients and is not deprived of the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Afraid that you’ll eat a lot? The key is pacing yourself. Eat slower, but try a whole lot of different things.

Eat through the whole garden and the whole farm—of fruits and vegetables and different types of meats.

Enjoy and savor your food. That way, you don’t attack your plate like a barbarian. 

#5 Do stuff

Your body is always burning calories. It’s continuously using up the energy from the food you eat. Even just sitting down and waiting for the paint to dry burns calories.

But the more efficient way of burning calories is by doing stuff…that you like.

When doing stuff that you like, whether it’s a hobby or sport, time just passes you by. You don’t mind the repetitions. In fact, you like it. For example, if you like tennis, you’ll cherish the feel of the racket as it hits the ball. You feel giddy running after the ball. You feel rejuvenated after every game.

Now compare that when doing something you abhor. You are endlessly stressed. It’s as if time has stood still.

Worse, then you overcompensate by eating loads of unhealthy food. And as a result, you feel heavy and sluggish and feel worse than before.

True wellness is effortless. It’s going with the flow. It’s going through the day with a smile.

Speaking of which…

#6 Laugh!

Laughter has been medically proven to:

  • relax the body

  • relieve stress

  • boost the immune system

  • stimulate healing

  • reduce pain

  • protect the heart

And that’s just for starters.

So find every reason to laugh. Whether it’s binge-ing on funny sitcoms, shows, or reels, or watching the antics of a baby panda falling on its bottom, exercise those lungs and abdomen and fill them with hearty laughter.  It’ll bring not only joy to your days, but health to your life.

#7 Have a support group

Humans are social beings and we can easily judge one’s well-being with the quality of one’s relationships.

The longest study on happiness, the Harvard Study of Adult Development, found that positive relationships and social connections as the most consistent factors in leading a happy, and fulfilling life.

This study has been going on for around 80 years, and it has found that nurturing, caring, and positive relationships are what make a good life.

A support system comes in many forms and can cover different areas in life:

  • The immediate family can provide close emotional, financial, spiritual, and practical support in times of life crises.

  • The wider clan can also provide the same support.

  • One’s friendship networks can bring companionship, understanding, and moral support. In good times, friendships can also be an avenue for growth and adventure.

  • Colleagues at work can also be another source of support, especially when it comes to career decisions and professional issues.

  • Religious and spiritual communities can provide scaffolding and support during crises of faith and family problems.

  • Online communities can nurture virtual connections and friendships as well.    

Do you want to be happy and healthy?

Make sure you have people to lean on and help you in times of trouble. (Better yet, be somebody who others can depend on!)


The seven items we talked about give you the golden keys to health and well-being. They’re really not that difficult, but do require us to align our behavior with how the human body was designed. For example, the human body was designed to rest, to have lots of oxygen and water.

It doesn’t take the discipline of a U.S. Marine to be fit and healthy. With quiet consistency, everybody can be healthy in 2024.


BloodWorks Lab is your 2024 partner for well-being. Our job is to help you monitor your fitness and health. We offer a variety of checkup packages tailored to your needs—like the “Diet/Weight Management Package,” the “Well-being Package,” and the “Senior Citizen’s Check-up.”

In addition, we also have a battery of medical tests and screenings available.

BloodWorks Lab was the first in the country to introduce the Anti Acetylcholine Receptor (lgG) Antibody Test and the Anti N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (Anti NMDA Receptor) Antibody Test.  

Book your appointment today.

Our branches are in Alabang, Katipunan, and Cebu.